Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Times as a Teen and Metro Manila

Much of our place was very mountainous and we could only either walk or take the habal habal when going around. From our barangay to the Municipality proper was a 5 kilometer walk or trek through beautiful rolling hills. I had a lot of friends and became quite famous for my reputation as an achiever. I studied at the St. Anthony School in Carmen, this was a private school and I was in effect a scholar at the school. I competed against the best of the best of Carmen which had some 27 villages. Soon enough I accomplished much again in this school despite not being materially endowned, I graduated as Salutorian in St. Anthony's Academy.

After a few years, I told myself I wanted to study in Manila. So I went to Manila. Here I took odd jobs and when I had enough money I enrolled for the 1st time in College at TIP in 1999.

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